Gay friendly Restaurants in Paris
Here are other restaurants with a gay or gay-friendly clientele in Paris, in the Marais neighborhood and in the center of Paris. This list is not exhaustive, every day new restaurants are born in Paris. Write us if you find nice new addresses

"Nous les restaurateurs" Christophe Moulin’s hit is still relevant. In the 1990s, he created the Gai Moulin restaurant on St Merri Street, a small local canteen where you can eat well at a very reasonable price, and where cheerful customers flock to meet from noon to evening. Christophe takes to the piano and composes his own satirical songs about Parisian life and the gay district of the Marais. He mocks the quality of hospitality, the frozen cuisine, the unbearable customers with a caustic humour. Le Gai Moulin has now closed and Christophe Moulin has left Paris. There remains the memory of this song so funny, emblematic of an entire era. Listen and sing in your hearts: "We restaurateurs get up early…"