The Charm of Products

“The Charm of Products”
A photographic exposition organized by the writer and advertiser Michele Citro and the still-life photographer Mattia Valerio at Culture & Art Gallery La Cachette (10, rue Mandar – Paris) from 19th to 29th June 2015.
The event aims to value the craftsmanship hidden behind some kind of products (jewels, sculptures, industrial items, etc.), most of them made in Campania, a Southern Italian Region, through a set of photos able to highlight their aesthetic qualities besides the most simply commercial ones.
The logic of Beauty supplants the one of Useful and Suitability. The Product, made by human intelligences and hands, becomes a privileged vehicle to convert the material element in lines, forms and light.
The works, appropriately enumerated from 1 to 30, are for sale.
To get more information : La Cachette, 10, rue Mandar – 75002 Paris,
du 19 au 29 Juin 2015.